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London has the most expensive public transport in the world

A study of 47 major cities around the globe, made by Deutsche Bank, found that London has the most expensive public transport system, while Dublin has the second most expensive one.

According to the report, the average cost of a monthly travel card in London is almost twice the price of the same pass in New York.

Costing £135, a monthly travel card is also some 30 percent more expensive than the second most expensive city in the study, Dublin with a monthly pass priced at £102.


The monthly travel card accounts for more than 6 percent of a monthly wage for the average Londoner, the study found.

London’s average monthly wage after tax was £2,150. This also means that London has slipped out of the top ten best paid cities, below New York, Sydney, Oslo or Tokyo, according to Deutsche Bank.

The study found Mumbai to be the cheapest major city for public transport, at £11 per month.

However, Mumbai, India’s most densely populated city, is one of the most dangerous, with an average of eight people killed each day on railway tracks, in 2016.

When it comes to renting a car, London is the third most expensive city, behind Amsterdam and New York.

Renting a car for a day costs £115, while in New York a rented car is £116 and in Amsterdam the cost rises to £122.

The cheapest major city to rent a car in is Shanghai (£21).


According to the report, London came 33rd in the study on 47 major cities when it came to the best quality of life category.

”London ranked very low mostly due to high living costs, crime, pollution and commuting time. This is highly subjective and one person’s long commute may be another person’s chance to catch up on Netflix. Megacity dwellers may also forsake short-term quality of life for aspirational reasons, with these cities providing more upside rewards from the average for those most successful,” the report explained.

Wellington in New Zealand was rated top for quality of life, while Edinburgh was awarded second place.

Daniel Pruitt
