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Walk-in closet, the latest demand of fashionistas


The idea of seeing your clothes, accessories, sunglasses, shoes in front of your eyes and not behind closed doors is all very exciting to girls. Every woman needs her space where she plays with her fashion belongings, mixing and matching, being queen of her own castle and with concept of ‘walk in closet’ it has become a dream come true.

Stuck again in pile of clothes? Tired of the unorganised mess in your accessories drowse? In the end that peril remark, ‘I have nothing to wear’. the answer could be your wardrobe itself. The idea of style has never limited fashionistas to rectangle box wardrobes. The woman who loves her shoes more than anything in this world demands more than just a wooden foot rack for her Louboutin’s.

And, this love has now grown to make their own personal style room; a ‘Walk In closet’.

The idea of seeing your clothes, accessories, sunglasses, shoes in front of your eyes and not behind closed doors is all very exciting to girls. Every woman needs her space where she plays with her fashion belongings, mixing and matching, being queen of her own castle and with concept of ‘walk in closet’ it has become a dream come true.

What exactly is a ‘Walk-in Closet’?

If you like to live a vanity life then ‘Walk-in Closet’ is something for you. It is a home feature which is a part of your bedroom where you get dressed in middle of all your clothes, accessories, shoes all stowing meticulously in front of your eyes. A walk-in closet is much more than a wardrobe, it is your own style ground where you command. Very close to green rooms where celebrity and artists get ready for their act walk-in closet is a luxury statement not only for your style but your house too.



Feminine touch to please your inner princess

Ginormous shoe racks, jewellery drowse and a grand chandelier. Isn’t this a dream which all girls always wanted to come true? Well, it is becoming reality rapidly. Woman all across are finding space in their homes for this cosy area dedicated to their feminine self. Adding colour of your choice, decking your beloved jewellery in cute trays and displays, adding vanity mirrors, grand chandeliers, rugs can transform you into another world bringing all the joy ever girl dreamt for.


Brings much more organizational skills

A bigger space in wardrobe accentuate organizational skills to another level. Also, not closing your shoes, clothes with doors or wardrobes makes the mess right in front of your eye and therefore compels you to live a much more systematized life. Walk-in closets can just not be a statement piece in your house but can help you save a lot of time leading to more stylish looks at every point of the hour. There are a lot companies which are now bringing the idea of walk-in closet possible in every size and space available within budget and therefore it is a good investment to make your princess dream come true.

Neha Mishra
