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Follow these 6 steps if you want to reduce meat in your diet

Eating habits are hard to change. Whatever our parents decided to feed us when we were babies affected our taste buds and preferences. The evolutionary need to binge on salty, sugary and fatty foods is difficult to overcome.

Despite this, numerous people are consciously choosing to rethink their diets, be it for environmental or ethical reasons, according to Tree Hugger. Reducing meat or cutting it out altogether is becoming mainstream, which can be seen in the number of vegan and vegetarian restaurants opening in every town, the salad bars in cafeterias and the Meatless Monday Campaigns.

If you fancy the idea of giving up meat, you should know that certain hacks can make your journey easier. Follow these tips from The Reducetarian Solution and the transition will be far easier and less intimidating.


1. Stick with what’s comfortable

If the exotic meat-free options such as seitan, tofu or tempeh scare you, you may want to focus on making meatless versions of your favourite foods. You can try, for instance, bean chili, veggie lasagna, bean-and-rice burritos, lentil soup and salads with nuts.

2. Start small and build gradually

You can’t change overnight. Start with one meatless meal a week and gradually increase the amount. Try ordering vegetarian when you go out to eat or do it the opposite way, by allowing yourself to eat meat solely at restaurants. It gets easier as you incorporate more veggies into your diet.

3. Slow down and listen to your body

According to Elisa Museles, you should listen to what your body is telling you. Don’t eat in a rush, while standing up and reading your texts. Sit at the table, chew slowly and pay attention to how you’re feeling afterwards. Are you energized? Are you still hungry? What’s your mood?

4. Focus on what you’re gaining, not on what you’re losing


Removing the meat from your plate might seem like a daunting prospect. You will need to have a different approach to meal preparation. Discover interesting replacements for meat and get yourself excited over discovering a whole new world of possibilities.

5. Accept that your body needs will change

Be flexible. Listen to your body’s cravings. You might crave animal protein more in the winter than during the summer. Make your well-being a priority that comes before the idea of fulfilling expectations of what you should be eating.

6. Seek support

Being part of a community will ease your journey. Find friends or coworkers that follow a similar diet or look for Facebook groups where you can connect with people like you. If you surround yourself with people who follow the same habits, you’re likely to succeed.

Daisy Wilder
