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Follow these tips to protect your eye health while studying

Exams usually mean dozens of hours of reading and writing, which stresses your eyes a lot. There are, however, certain tips and tricks which might help with your eyes health.

Dr Arthur Cummings, Medical Director/Consultant Opthalmologist at the Wellington Eye Clinic shared his top tips with the Irish Mirror:

1. The 20:20:20 rule – take a 20 second break every 20 minutes by looking at something 20 feet away. This allows the focusing muscles to relax before they are put to work again.


2. Work in good light, one that preferably comes from behind and over your shoulder.

3. Don’t hold the study material too close to you. Try to keep it at a normal working distance of 25-40 cm (10-15 inches).

4. Wear the appropriate glasses if you require them.

5. Study with your glasses on rather than your contact lenses if possible.

Tips for protecting your eyes when studying

6. If your eyes feel dry, use lubricant tear drops – ideally preservative-free drops.

7. Take Omega-3 supplements, which are great for the eyes and also improve mental capacity.

8. If you are studying on your laptop or PC, the screen should be at eye level and 40-70 cm (15-28 inches) away.


9. Make sure you get plenty of rest. When you sleep, your eyes are resting too and you wake up feeling renewed.

Daisy Wilder
