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The beer industry is getting killed by Millennials’ obsession with rosé wine

Millennials are increasingly choosing a can of beer for a glass of rosé wine. Two years ago, the beer industry only had to fight the rise of liquor, red wine and white wine. Now a new enemy arises, in the form of rosé wine.

The rosé category was worth $389 million in January, as Bloomberg reports, based on Nielsen data. Rosé consumption increased by 57% in the last 52 weeks in dollar terms, while beer consumption dropped to 0,6%.

The amount of rosé sold in the US is tiny compared to the $37 billion beer industry, but the wine upstart’s success is another chink in the armor of the reigning American alcoholic champion, according to Business Insider.

Nielsen ratings show that beer penetration fell 1% from 2016 to 2017 in the US market and both wine and spirits were unmoved. While a 1% drop in penetration being called a beer-industry homicide might be considered an overreaction, beer already lost 10% of market share to wine and hard liquor from 2006 to 2016.

“This armada of boats is coming across the Atlantic to crush us and we are shooting each other with, you know, muskets and slingshots,” Walt Dickinson, a cofounder of craft brewer Wicked Weed, which was acquired by AB InBev in May, said regarding squabbles between independent brewers and giants of the industry. Dickinson said that the “armada of baots” preparing to crush the beer industry is constituted by wine and spirits.

Daisy Wilder
