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Prince Harry – ‘nobody wants the throne’


Prince Harry has advised that the royals are in some type of quandary as nobody appears to want to ascend to the position of high heid yin.

As the Queen is in her 9th decade, but continues to perform her role to some extent, the time is ticking for a replacement to ascend to the throne in the imminent future. Although Prince Harry stated that those within the royal family would not want the job, he reaffirmed his view that the ‘magic’ of the monarchy ought to be preserved.

Recently Prince Harry has vocalised a more human approach to royalty and he has opened up about his struggles to cope with his mother’s premature death – giving a personal insight into the human side of royal life.


Not only has Prince Harry voiced his views about contemporary issues, but he’s often appeared to gauge the zeitgeist. He’s vocalised concerns about the tired ‘stiff upper lip’ British mentality and he’s promoted the importance of addressing mental health issues. Moreover Prince Harry took a public HIV test and has spoken out in support of the LGBTI community. His grasp of the contemporary issues facing the world appears to be astute and admirable.

For the cynics amongst us we may we may well claim that these are simply public relation stunts, but should we be so quick to judge? Perhaps Prince Harry is carrying on the legacy left by his mother and challenging the norms that have become worn and dated. For the Royalists in the world Prince Harry exemplifies a modern day Prince who appears to have a virtuosity at his core.

