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Trump calls on Qatar to stop funding terrorism. Say he is committed to NATO article five

U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday called on Qatar to stop funding of groups that commit terrorism, saying the Gulf nation had historically done so “at a very high level.”

“No civilized nation can tolerate this violence or allow this wicked ideology to spread on its shores,” Trump told reporters at the White House, where he was holding a joint news conference with Romanian President Klaus Iohannis.

When asked about NATO, the president responded that the United States is fully committed to uphold article five of the agreement, calling for mutual defence. He also praised Romania for its efforts of allocating over 2% of its GDP for military spending.


Romania’s president, Klaus Iohannis, said that he fully agreed with Trump when it comes to military spending and that NATO members have to “share the burden” in order to make the alliance strong.

