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Opinion: A message to the people of Britain on Election Day


Today more than ever the people of Britain have the opportunity to make a real change to the way the country is run. Every single one of us needs to grasp this opportunity with both hands and fight to change our country for the better.

Today the people of Britain have the chance to evict a corrupt Tory government and put in place a leader that can implement real change.

If you think that voting doesn’t matter then you are sadly mistaken. Remember the vote on Brexit? 2.8 million eligible votes did not vote in that referendum. If they had the decision would have been vastly different. Along with that, in 2015 David Cameron and the Tories won in a landslide and further placed our country into despicable austerity.


Voting matters! It matters this time more than ever. We currently have a “leader” hell bent on selling the NHS, reducing the number of police officers on the street, making higher education unaffordable for the many, creating hideous prospects for the children in our schools – many of whom go without their lunch on a daily basis.

Jeremy Corbyn has been on the right side of political debate for the past few decades and has policies that hold the wrong to account and protect the majority of our population not just make the giant corporations richer and put more people on to the streets. If anyone is a strong and stable leader, it is him. We need someone negotiating Brexit that will listen to what the population of Britain are saying. We need someone who without question will fight for your every right not slowly take them away.

I urge you, people of Britain, listen to your nurses and doctors who have been forced to work in ever worsening conditions. Listen to the teachers, the firemen and the police force, all of whom our country would be a much more unsafe place without.

Vote today to protect our future. To protect your children’s future.

The polls close at 10 PM tonight, don’t waste your vote.

Do the right thing, vote Labour to give ourselves a chance.

For the many, not the few.


Liam Anthony Gallagher
