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Opinion: Funny world


Reading through my messages came across a beautiful poem. Written by a friend’s eleven-year-old son. They have requested everyone to share.

When a child can write something so profound, it breaks your heart.

What have we done to each other for our world to do such dreadful acts to fellow humans?


Throughout the decades many bad inhuman acts have happened.

This must end. We need our children to grow up and stop the madness and send the message of love not hate to our fellow men.

How do you explain to our children how to change this?

We have to all work and live together.

I moved from middle England, Winchester Hampshire,  last year to Prestwich Manchester. What an eye opener if only once in your lifetime you must go and visit Cheetumhill Manchester. Every denomination, all live together a morning in Tesco.

The shelves are full of Asian, Halal, Kosher foods. The checkouts are full of people chatting to each other, whoever they are and where ever they came from. All live together well.

My eyes have been truly opened and I believe many people in areas where diversity is minimal need to know that not all ” foreigners ” are bad. They just want a better life for themselves.


Please tell me what you think!

Tracy Baker
