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Just how many kinds of Donuts are there?


In honor of National Donut Day, let’s take a look at the different kinds of donuts! With lots of yummy pictures of course.

It’s National Donut Day!

Let’s celebrate by taking a look at just how many different kinds of donuts there are.


There are nearly as many kinds of donut varieties as there are countries in the world (which is 196). And even within those countries (like the United States, the inventors of the donut) there are numerous varieties of donuts (like yeast donuts, cake, cruller, jelly filled, fritters, long johns, cream donuts, donut holes just to name a few).

So while it may be impossible to know just how many varieties of donut there actually are- lets take a look at some of the delicious varieties from at home here in the United States and from around the world.


Krapfen, similar to the Berliner. Fillings could be chocolate, custard, champagne, various jams or marmalades, or no filling at all.


Oliebol, scoops of dough sometimes containing dried fruit like raisins, deep fried. Also knows as smoutebollen in Belgium.



Gulab Jamun, among other desserts are delcious sweet balls of dough soaked in rose water and spice syrup.


Anpan, fried dough filled with sweet bean paste.


Sufganiyah, similar to jelly donuts, have become a popular treat on Hannukah.


Roscos de vino, made with a sweet wine instead of lard.


Churros, fried pastries dipped in cinnamon, sugar, chocolate and coffee, are also popular throughout Central and South America.

Happy #InternationaDonutDay!

What kind of donut will you enjoy today?


