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John Pilger lifts the lid on The Manchester Terror attack


In a recent viral article that is circumnavigating the globe, John Pilger has made an important expose on the Manchester suicide bomb, that saw 22 die at an Ariana Grande concert. The article entitled ‘Manchester Atrocity Lifts Rock of British Foreign Policy, Reveals Faustian Alliance with Extreme Islam” is now doing the rounds on Twitter and Facebook.

The connections between the suicide bomber Salman Abedi and British intelligence agencies has now been revealed and John Pilger looks at the nature of these connections. In this respect, Pilger analyses the historic evolution of Islamic ties that the Brits have fostered and promoted in the Middle East.

Throughout the article Pilger makes reference to the Pan-Islamist plan that was envisaged by Western governments, to promote particularly extreme schisms of Islam, such as Wahhabism. This has seen intelligence agencies/ shadow governments deploy extremist groups to fight opponents that the West find unaccommodating.


Salman Abedi had arrived in the UK a few days after his return from Libya, prior to detonating the bomb. His connections with MI6 and the knowledge of his extrism were known by the British government, but nothing was done. The reason for this, identified by Pilger, is that extremism has often been a British invention to further their foreign policy goals.

Not only is this a concerning revelation, but such extremists are hidden within the fabric of British society, like ticking time bombs. Many are aware that the volatility of the situation is known by intelligence services and future attacks are likely. Given the terrorist threat to the UK is critical we can sadly expect to see more attacks.

