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This iceberg should freak you out


It is an iceberg the size of the state of Delaware, and is now floating in the ocean, causing major concerns among scientists. The main question however, is it global warming? Or is it all natural? Regardless, there is one thing clear, global warming is getting worst, and sea levels could rise even more.

Just last week, an iceberg the size of Delaware broke off Antarctica. For some it’s whatever, but for scientists it’s a sign that climate change is happening now more than ever before and more must be done. Weighing more than a trillion tons, it is now floating in the ocean as it is no longer attached to the lowest continent on the planet.

Everyday, all over the world, fossil fuels and greenhouse gases are damaging the planet. It is in a undeniable fact. Earthquakes are getting stronger, hurricanes are getting larger, and the planet is heating up to record high temperatures. The consequences are growing and the fate of the human race is becoming increasingly more questionable as little has been done to combat climate change.


The iceberg, which has been named A68, represents 12% of the Larsen C ice shelf. While many believe all of this breakage is due to man made climate change, scientists at the University of Maryland and Swansea University have stated a dispute that the breakage of the iceberg was not due to climate change but rather by a “natural cause”.

The Larsen C ice sheet is thought to be one of the world’s biggest icebergs, making this whole issue a bit more complicated. Scientists are still waiting on more signs that the breakage of A68 was really due to climate change. One NASA research scientist stated that if the Larsen C ice shelf continues to collapse following the breakage of A68, climate change would be the main victim in this problem, if not it will deemed as a “natural cycle”.

No answers have been confirmed yet with Larsen C as all of the information coming in is still new. However, nearby ice sheets, Larsen A and B, broke down due to climate change, making the assumption that climate change is now also the culprit to Larsen C almost inevitable. Since it is winter in Antarctica right now, answers to the ever growing problems are a bit harder to come by.

To add to the complication of things in Antarctica, there is one issue that is undeniable, the continent is being reshaped, and that is most definitely not due to “natural causes”. There is no denying the fact, that global warming is the reason behind the shrinkage of what is supposed to be one of the coldest places on Earth. Air temperatures are rising, and ocean temperatures are high, and not just in Antarctica, but all over the world.

The issues are growing more and more everyday, but scientists explain that Antarctica is a difficult, complicated and weird continent to study and even though numbers are small in terms of millimeters, such as difference in tides, they matter. It may not effect one, but it can effect the future, and think about it, do we really want this for our children and grandchildren?

Stephanie Valenzuela
