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Leave on the day ‘Red Devil’ arrives


No more stressful commute to work while on the first day of your period. Indian firm introduces FOP for female staff.

A digital media company in India announces FOP – First Day Of Period Leave Policy which gives women a valid reason to take leave. Most women experience some level of discomfort associated with their monthly Crimson Wave. For some women the discomfort is mild while for others the distress undermines their ability to go about their daily life for the first two days. The excruciating pain makes it even more difficult when you have to commute to work while spending hours sitting on the desk popping pain killers which can be harmful in the long run.



Countries like Japan, South Korea and Indonesia have a similar leave policy for their staff. To make it easier for the female staff an India based digital media company introduced the ‘First Day Of Period Leave Policy’ which allows women to take leave on the first day of their Crimson Cycle. The company Culture Machine headquartered in Mumbai implemented this policy while announcing it on their YouTube channel called Blush. A petition was released by the company to the Ministry of Human Resource Development and Ministry of Women and Child Development in order to have the policy applied across India.The company released a video of the female employees discussing how they feel on the first day of their period and their reactions of the new policy which was put in motion from July onwards. Watch the video released by the company here




Tanya Sawhney
