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No post Brexit rise of racism against caucasian Europeans in the UK


Crime in England / Wales, Home Office record increase in hate crimes’ after EU referendum [O.N.S]

We cannot afford to ignore or feign ignorance of British home office figures which indicate a rise in hate crimes against ethnic minorities and non-British Europeans post-Brexit .



Statistics on hate crimes and racist incidents recorded by the police 

But is this hate crime motivated by racism or xenophobic ignorance?

To truly appreciate the question, we must move beyond the mainstream definition of racism in the 20th century & move into the 21st.

According to DR Claud Anderson, former assistant secretary in the Department of Commerce and Coordinator of Education under Reubin Askew, “Racism is wealth- and the power-based competitive relationship between groups based on skin color. .

The sole purpose of racism is to support and ensure that the majority group and its ethnic subgroups continue to dominate and use the subgroups as a means to produce wealth and power…

True racism exists only when one group holds a disproportionate share of wealth and power over another group then uses those resources to marginalise, exploit, exclude and subordinate the weaker group

The English Oxford Dictionary defines xenophobia as a dislike of or prejudices against people from other countries.


We are all familiar with news headlines and online clips with titles such as:

Shocking unprovoked racist attack on Polish bus driver caught on camera 


Polish shop in Wakefield being racist about English culture

These are inaccurate because E.Europeans, much like indigenous English natives are Caucasians, the Oxford dictionary defines Caucasians as White-skinned; of European origin. [Oxford]

Based on actual interpretation, the rise of RACISM against Eastern Europeans by English Caucasians is highly contestable if not immediately invalidated by the fact that they are members of the same race,  meaning claims / titles such as :

Race hate: Polish woman films ‘vicious racist’ attack in supermarket are misleading 

The hate, on this occasion, is not motivated by racial differences inspired by a desire to subjugate third parties based on hue, but by Jealousy, perhaps insecurity leading to a chronic case of mental instability and Ignorance, the trademark of Xenophobes

None Caucasian victims of hate crimes do however have a plausible case when they claim Racism / Xenophobia inspired hate crimes against them .



Empathy and kindness cannot be taught, awareness, understanding are effective in tackling racism, xenophobia and false claims this is done by educating everyone.

In Britain, students should be taught the pros and cons of Colonialism and the future implications of their current military expeditions abroad, they [Brit Kids] know too little of actual history to make a sound judgment,Jeremy Corbyn British Labour has suggested that UK children should be taught how the British Empire expanded ‘at the expense of people’ … Every child should be taught about the negative impact and suffering caused by the British Empire.

[ Children should be taught about suffering under the British Empire – Corbyn ]

Delusions of grandeur inspired by imaginary nostalgia about the British Empire is perilous to us all, even if Post Brexit Rise Of Racism Against Europeans In the UK is an invalid claim.Rise of Xenophobia, Bigotry, prejudice against Europeans in post-Brexit is the accurate claim

