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Trump announces cyber security unit with Russia


Donald Trump takes to Twitter once more, this time to announce a Cyber Security Unit alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Less than twenty-four hours after the G20 summit this weekend, US President Donald Trump has taken to Twitter to discuss his policies towards the Russians, and announced a Cyber Security Unit, working in tandem with the Russians.



Given the on-going investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US Elections, this is either the bravest, bold strategy we’ve yet seen from the US President, or as many have tweeted, the most foolhardy. Looking at the positive points first, let us assume that Russia truly did hack the US election. By utilising them to help defend against suspected hacking, there’s always that chance that they will slip up and reveal information that could prove their interference. Alternatively if they did not hack the elections then perhaps by working closely with the Russian Government on Cyber Security the two countries working together can highlight where the hacks came from.

The other side of the coin however is far more scary. If Russia truly were behind the hacking attempts last year then President Trump is potentially handing over the keys to the American system to the same people who wanted to manipulate it just a year ago. This seems to be the conclusion that many have drawn so far, and Twitter has been awash with the usual complaints and calls for impeachment.

One thing however is certain. This announcement will draw a heck of a lot of media coverage, and probably drown out the reports that presumed Russian hackers breached dozens of Nuclear Power sites in the US this last Thursday. That attack has been linked to a similar cyber attack in Ukraine in 2015, which eventually resulted in cutting power to almost 250,000 Ukrainians.

Speculation has already begun that this is a deliberate attempt to draw attention away from the real crisis of another power related cyber attack. Furthermore, conspiracy theorist have claimed that should another massive Cyber Attack occur, it would be the perfect excuse for Trump and Putin to put all their efforts together.

As more information on the Cyber Security Unit comes to light, we will be sure to report it.


Barry Tinkler
