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Grenfell Tower still at crisis point


It seems we are no closer to prosecutions as investigations continue.

It does seem to be mostly an investigation at the moment, using a huge number of investigators from the Grenfell Tower. It seems like most of the evidence has been removed from the Tower but the process is only just beginning.

As for the cladding, it seems that various tests on cladding up and down Britain have shown it not be fire retardant. Although some cladding has been removed it is still not clear if it all will.


There is the also the problem of rehoming survivors. Only 14 of the 158 families have accepted the temporary – and remember we’re only talking temporary – accommodation, so there is a great amount of processing needed.

It still seems very much a crisis, one that the Tory Party thought would be solved by now.

It seems that the local Kensington council didn’t help matters at the beginning, meaning that the community had to pull together. They may be misjudging the situation, it is time for the councillors, or the government, to work on the problem and not just rely on unpaid charity. These are taxpayers after all and their tragedy is London’s tragedy.


Paul Wimsett
