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Stephen Hawking: Earth will become as hot as Venus

Physicist Stephen Hawking warned that temperatures on Earth could become as high as those on the surface of Venus if President Donald Trump maintains his decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate accord.

The renowned scientist also revealed that the best hope for the future of human civilization is to colonize other planets.

“We are close to the tipping point where global warming becomes irreversible. Trump’s action could push the Earth over the brink, to become like Venus, with a temperature of 250 degrees and raining sulfuric acid,” he said for BBC.


Ahead of his 75th celebration, Hawking revealed that Trump’s measure could put Earth in danger and bring temperatures similar to those on Venus. The second-closest planet to the sun.

Hawking also expressed concern on climate change and how this could affect human’s survival on this planet.

The professor added, “Climate change is one of the great dangers we face, and it’s one we can prevent if we act now. By denying the evidence for climate change and pulling out of the Paris climate agreement, Donald Trump will cause avoidable environmental damage to our beautiful planet, endangering the natural world, for us and our children.”

On June 1, President Donald Trump announced the United States will withdraw from the Paris Accord, which aims to cut global carbon emissions. The decision was criticized by leader of top economies like Germany, France and Italy.

Humanity’s time on planet Earth seems to be running out according to arguably the worlds’ most famous scientist especially due to violence and greed.

“I fear evolution has inbuilt greed and aggression to the human genome,” Hawking said. “There is no sign of conflict lessening, and the development of militarized technology and weapons of mass destruction could make that disastrous. The best hope for the survival of the human race might be independent colonies in space.”

A new study by the American Meteorological Society found that satellite data was consistent with temperatures taken on the Earth’s surface and showed the planet is getting hotter and hotter as time goes by, according to The Washington Post.


Alexa Stewart
