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Nigeria prepares to kick off it’s 2017 NYC Nigeria Independence Day parade


Nigeria is just two months away from its 2017 Nigeria Independence Day Parade.

In New York City many people are familiar with parades such as the West Indian, Puerto Rican and St. Patrick’s day parade. Unfortunately, few are aware of the Nigerian Day Parade. A parade filled with culture, history and music that anyone can move and dance to. If you happened to have missed out on the the previous Nigerian Independence Day Parades, worry not. Come this October 7th, you can partake in the celebration and experience an event unique unto its self.

More than 150,000 spectators are expected to attend and take in the sights and sounds as Nigeria celebrates its independence.The music, food, and all things Nigerian will be served up along 2nd Ave & East 54th Street up to East 44th Street, as the annual parade takes place. Witness traditional and lively African costumes and experience the spirit of the Nigerian people.


The event will take place October 7th, 2017 starting at 2nd Ave & East 54th Street and proceeding to East 44th Street. The parade will begin at 10:00 am and end at 5:00 pm, leaving plenty of time to soak in the entertainment.

Jerrod Fasan
