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Trump says his “ratings” were higher than 9/11 broadcasts

President Donald Trump said in an interview for Associated Press, about his first 100 days in the White House, that his “ratings” were higher than broadcasts of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 

Asked if he thought he had changed how people vote, Trump pointed to his “very high ratings”, claiming they increased by two or three times when he appeared on the Sunday morning shows.

“It had 9.2 million people. It’s the highest they’ve ever had. On any, on air, [CBS’ John] Dickerson had 5.2 million people. It’s the highest for ‘Face the Nation’ or as I call it, ‘Deface the Nation’. It’s the highest for ‘Deface the Nation’ since the World Trade Center. Since the World Trade Center came down. It’s a tremendous advantage,” Trump said.


Asked what did he consider to be his highest success during his first 100 days as President of the United States, Trump said that Defense it was selecting a new Supreme Court judge. “I think he will be a great, great justice of the Supreme Court. I have always heard that the selection and the affirmation of a Supreme Court judge is the biggest thing a president can do. Don’t forget, he could be there for 40 years. … He’s a young man. I’ve always heard that that’s the biggest thing. Now, I would say that defense is the biggest thing. You know, to be honest, there are a number of things. But I’ve always heard that the highest calling is the nomination of a Supreme Court justice. I’ve done one in my first 70 days,” Trump said.

When asked how he feels about the first 100 days in office, Trump said “It’s massive. And every agency is, like, bigger than any company. So you know, I really just see the bigness of it all, but also the responsibility. And the human responsibility. You know, the human life that’s involved in some of the decisions.”

Joanna Lewis
