How to obtain healthy teeth using Qi-gong, an ancient practice
An ancient Chinese practice known as Qi-gong can lead to improved dental health.
A day of YouTube searches consisting of Qi-gong will reveal the occasional slow-bodily movements of people seeking to channel positive energy through their system. Movements will include all things from the legs, arms, head and torso. It is no surprise that such attention is paid to the anatomical body parts mentioned, since we need them all in order to function in our everyday lives. Searches will reveal little to no results consisting of a body part that literally feeds nutrients to all our limbs, which can also be utilized in Qi-gong. The forgotten body part in question is the mouth.
The word “Qi-gong” means two things. Qi (pronounced Chee) is defined as a vital energy which flows through all things which live in the entire universe. Gong (pronounced Gung) is a skill or accomplishment that is accomplished through steady and persistent practice. You may now wonder, what does Qi-gong have to do with the mouth? According to studies, it has substantial impact on dental and overall oral health.
According to research, the practice of mouth Qi-gong “will induce the flow of saliva and stimulate the meridians that pass along the mouth. Saliva neutralizes oral acids and helps prevent tooth decay; thus, if done after eating, this practice can maintain oral hygiene,” says Subhuti Dharmananda, Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Traditional Medicine.
Of all the Qi-gong practices this seems by far is the most convenient, you can perform it standing up, while you are at work or even lying down. “The practice is done by closing the mouth lightly and gently tapping the teeth together. Generally, the molars are tapped together in one round of exercise, the front teeth in another round, and the canines in another: 36 times each round,” Dharmananda further notes. Tapping of the teeth should be done with gentle to moderate force and not excessive, if done with too much force it may have undesirable results.
There are many sugarless gums on the market that promote optimal dental hygiene. Actually, it is not the gum itself that is promoting good oral health. Rather it’s the act of combining gum with an ancient practice, that is contributing further to the overall health. Sugarless but flavored gum enhances the effect. The flavor of the gum causes the palate to stimulate the salivary glands, which in turn produce extra saliva, enhancing acid neutralizing properties in the mouth.
The Qi-gong method is about “tapping the teeth together” and gum by no means should be a substitute to the practice. The teeth is a hard material whereas gum is soft, so by contrast the energy released from the two would differ.
Mouth Qi-gong is a very practical exercise that anyone can and should take advantage of. That is, of course, if they want to maintain good oral-health well into old age. Whether you want to preserve your perfect teeth or prevent further deterioration; Qi-gong is a money-free way to do so.
Mouth Qi-gong in conjunction with brushing, healthy eating habits and overall oral health awareness, will provide positive results. Leading to improvements of your overall oral hygiene, for years to come.