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Your risk for diabetes may be lowered by eating less red meat and poultry


There has been a surge in cases of diabetes due to poor diets and poor lifestyles. New research has shown that eating red meat and poultry are associated with an increased risk for getting diabetes.

It has been reported by Duke-NUS Medical School that it has been established that a diet which is rich in plants is better than a diet which is rich in meat for lowering the risk of getting diabetes. Researchers have found that in particular increased consumption of red meat and poultry is associated with a marked increased risk for the actually getting diabetes.

The higher heme iron content which is in red meat and poultry partially explains the association which has been found between eating these meats and an increased risk for getting diabetes. It has been suggested that eating chicken parts which have lower heme-iron content such as breast meat, in comparison to thighs, may be a healthier choice when eating chicken.


A similar association with the development of diabetes was not found when eating fish or shellfish. There is clearly a great benefit to replacing red meat or poultry in the diet with fish and shellfish.

This study has been published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Researchers have evaluated the relationships which exist between eating red meat, poultry, fish, and shellfish with the risk of getting Type 2 diabetes mellitus.

It has been concluded that there is an association between eating red meat and poultry with an increased risk for developing Type 2 diabetes. The heme iron content of the red meat and poultry has been found to partially account for this association. Eating more fish and shellfish and less red meat and poultry could prove to be a very healthy choice.

Dr Harold Mandel
