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Surprising health benefits brought by full-fat dairy products

Nutrition experts break the myth that claims that in order to stay healthy you have to drink skim or two-percent milk. In fact, full-fat milk, yogurt and cheese are much better for your diet.

Full-fat yogurts are popping up on shelves in supermarkets, now that more people welcome full-fat dairy back into their diets. They are also a healthier option, considering that low-fat yogurt have more added sugars to enhance their flavour. Furthermore, the fat can slow down the body’s absorption of sugar, helping lower the risk of diabetes, as the CBS reports.

“Even though there’s more calories, that fat is very satiating so it keeps people full for longer and they tend to not eat as much otherwise during the day,” said registered dietitian Alissa Rumsey.


In a research published last month in the European Journal of Epidemiology, 29 previous studies were analyzed on the impact of eating low-fat and full-fat dairy products. It found that the consumption of milk, yogurt, cheese and other dairy products – either low or full-fat – had no impact on rates of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease or deaths from any cause.

Rumsey advises that it’s important to look at your overall diet before switching: “For someone who is already consuming a lot of saturated fat, red meat products, a lot of animal fats and not so much of the good stuff, I probably wouldn’t want to add in more saturated fat,” she said.


Daisy Wilder
