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This is the only type of bread you should be eating, according to cardiologist

A heart surgeon believes that most of the bread we eat on a daily basis is not that good for us and we should limit ourselves to eating only one type of bread.

Cardiologist Steven Gundry advises to stay away from lectins, in his new book, The Plant Paradox.

Although many people choose a gluten-free diet in order to avoid bloating and inflammation, Gundry says gluten is only a variety of a lectin.


Lectin is a toxic, plant-based protein which is found in wheat and many gluten-free products, as well as many fruit and vegetables, according to the Independent.

Gundry explains that once lectins are ingested, “they incite a kind of chemical warfare on our bodies” which may lead to inflammatory reactions resulting in weight gain and other health conditions.

One of the only varieties of bread that doesn’t contain lectins is a brand named “Barely Bread”. Gundry notes that this bread doesn’t contain any grains and fits in with his lectin-free mantra. This bread contains a mix of almond, seed and coconut flowers. It claims it is different to the “gluten-free loaves that claim to be healthy but load up on extra carbs and sugar”.

It has an airy texture and it is recommended to be toasted on both sides before consuming it.

Recent studies have proved that gluten-free diets should only be adopted by those who suffer from coeliac disease.

Researchers from Harvard University observed data from nearly 120,000 people older than 26 and discovered that gluten-free diets did not cut the risk of heart disease. Furthermore, restricting the intake of gluten may result in a low intake of whole grains, which are beneficial for the heart.



Daisy Wilder
