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Five common foods that can ”poison” you

Even though they are frequently consumed, some foods can be dangerous for the body. These include even apples and elderberries.

Elderberries taste sweet and are used in the pharmaceutical industry. Nevertheless, the whole plant is poisonous for the human body, and the fruits need to be baked or boiled before consumption, otherwise they will lead to intense stomachaches and vomiting.

Apples are some of the world’s most “popular” fruits. Even though the fruit is rich in vitamins, the seeds can be dangerous, as they contain cyanide. It may seem strange, but eating 20 apple stubs with seeds included can be fatal.


Cardamom is a spice often used to give food a great flavour. Despite this, few people know that a large amount of cardamom can lead to severe dehydration, hallucination, nausea and can even be fatal. The spice was used in the past as a drug.

Almonds contain vitamin E, fats, fibers and are often recommended as a snack between meals. There are sweet almonds and bitter almonds. While the first ones can be consumed without any limit, the latter ones are not recommended due to their high cyanide levels.


Tomatoes are tasty and full of nutrients. Be careful, though. Some parts of the plant, such as the leaves and stems, are toxic for the organism.

Diane Stinsow
