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Researchers developed a synthetic retina to help blind people see

Researchers at Oxford University could revolutionise the bionic implant industry, after they developed a synthetic, soft tissue retina – the first ever made – which could offer hope to blind people. 

If so far artificial retinas have only been made from hard, rigid materials, this new research – which successfully used biological, synthetic tissues developed in a laboratory environment – could led to the development of new, less invasive technologies that more closely resemble human body A tissues, Times of India reports. Thus could be treated degenerative eye conditions such as retinitis pigmentosa (a group of rare, genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and loss of cells in the retina).

The synthetic retina developed by the Oxford team was only been tested in laboratory conditions so far and it’s formed from soft water droplets (hydrogels) and biological cell membrane proteins.


Madeline Gorthon
