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Déjà-vu sensations are more common among young people. Specialists’ explanations for the mysterious experience

Most people lived at least once the experience of déjà-vu. The phenomenon, which is nothing else than the intense impression that the present situation was lived in the past, is as interesting as it is complex and cannot be fully explained.

Déjà-vu can appear when visiting a new location, during a simple conversation or in a new context, but every time you have the feeling that you lived that moment in the same place, with the same persons, with the same replies. In most cases, the experiences of this kind appear spontaneously and don’t last for more than 20-30 seconds.

Swiss psychologist Arthur Funkhouser claims that  déjà-vu experiences can be classified in three large categories:


Dejà vécu – an experienced you lived before

Déjà senti – a feeling you felt before

Déjà visité – a place you feel it is familiar and that you know well, despite the fact that you have never been there before.

Just like any other mystery, all kinds of theories appeared over time that tried to explain the cause of the mysterious phenomenon. Scientists noticed that the feeling often appears during the crises that people suffering from temporal love epilepsy have, while another theory refers memory anomalies. Supporters of this idea say there is an overlap between short term memory and long term memory. Basically, the experience lived is stored in your memory very fast, before the brain can process it.

Déjà-vu feelings are more common among young people

Older people have more memories than young ones and as a result, they should be having more déjà-vu experiences, but in reality, the exact opposite happens

According to statistics, at least 70% of people experienced déjà-vu at least once, but there are people that have more chances of feeling it. These are the people aged 15 to 25, which strengthens the hypothesis that the feeling of déjà-vu is a sign of mental health.

The difference between a real memory and déjà-vu is that moment you realize you should not have that feeling of recognition, but it might be that older people don’t notice the difference between a real memory and a mental disorder.


Until science can fully explain the mysterious sensations, there is plenty of room for interpretation.

Lacey Blair
