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The dangers of plastic surgery


Plastic surgery may look appealing, but is it worth the risk?

For the past few years it seems like going under the knife is becoming much more popular. We have seen many celebrities like Kim Kardashian get botox and others have admitted to having much bigger procedures such as boob jobs and getting their butts pumped (yes there is such a thing). But what a lot of young people that are aspiring to get plastic surgery don’t seem to know is, there are a lot of risks when it comes to going under the knife.

One of the most common risks is nerve damage. The potential for nerve damage is common in a lot of different plastic surgery procedures. Many women experience a change in sensitivity after a breast augmentation and 15 percent of those women permanently lose nipple sensation. Let’s be honest here, who would want that? No feeling in your nipples, that can’t be fun.


Another common complication in plastic surgery is infection. Many people that go under the knife get some sort of infection whether it be in their breasts, skin or nose. For example, in breast surgeries cellulitis (a skin infection) becomes present in 2-4 percent of people. In some cases infections become so severe that the individual may need medical attention. In some cases it is fatal.

Organ damage is a serious complication when it comes to plastic surgery. Liposuction can be devastating to one’s internal organs. When the surgical probe comes in contact with internal organs they can get punctured which can create a need for additional surgery. This can also be fatal.

Anesthesia can be the part of the procedure that causes complications. General anesthesia can sometimes cause lung infections, stroke, cardiac arrest and even death. A less common complication is anesthesia awareness which is waking up in the middle of surgery.

Lastly, another common complication with plastic surgery is blood loss. I know that with most surgeries a little bit of blood loss is expected, but too much blood loss can cause a dangerous drop in blood pressure.

I know plastic surgery is a hot button issue due to the fact that there is so much pressure to have bikini ready body or to have a face that is ready for the cover of a magazine, but you have to ask yourself, is it really worth it? It is worth risking your health? Or even risking your life? This is why self acceptance is vital.

Krystal Goethe
