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Heat exhausts us and turns us into aggressive and unfriendly individuals

The heat during summer are not only hard to bear, but also affect our behaviour, according to a recent study published in European Journal of Social Psychology. The American scientists from the Universitatea Lehigh (Pennsylvania) and Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois claim that the intense heat of the sun, sweat and skin irritation are hard to bear in the hot summer days, so we tend to be more tired, grumpy, antisocial and even aggressive to those around us.

Scientists asked 160 Americans to file an online questionnaire regarding this topic. Half of these were subjected to high temperatures before giving answer targetting the behaviour and energy level, while the other participants gave answer without the discomfort caused by temperature. After this, the subjects received an extra multiple-choice test.

The results showed that only 44% of the people in the first group completed the extra test as well, compared to the 77% in the second group. The explanation might be that high temperatures and thus, the stress on the body might lead to a lack of energy, fatigue, antisocial behaviour and verbal aggression of the participants that did not want to solve the multiple choice test anymore.


Another experiment of the same scientists included a general knowledge test with 100 questions, during which the participants split into two groups were asked to answer in environmental conditions that were more or less difficult: the first group completed the test in a room at over 27 degrees Celsius, while the second one had a room with air conditioning. In the end, it was discovered that those in the second group answered 35 questions correctly, while the first group gave only 6 correct answers.

“The point of our study is that ambient temperature affects individual states that shape emotional and behavioral reactions,” professor Liuba Belkin declared.

Another 2012 study shows that excessive temperatures not only affect our mood, but also awaken our aggressive side. Heat and humidity are associated with increased aggression and violence, due to sleep disruptions and dehydration.

Emma Anderson
