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Treat your sunburn with these homemade tricks!


You went there to get tanned and rather came with a burn but before you start to panic we have listed few home base solutions which might not cost you nothing leaving a soothing touch back.

There is no denying to the fact that last few days have been sunny but a bit too much. The Mercure level which went up to 32 degrees Celsius this week have made heat wave struck England. And, the British citizens looking for their annual doze of Vitamin D have now begun to get sunburns. Weather you laying in your garden or community park, participating in summer festivals or enjoying your vacation, the scorching sun has taken a toll on your skin.

You went there to get tanned and rather came with a burn but before you start to panic we have listed few home base solutions which might not cost you nothing leaving a soothing touch back.

Yogurt and honey

You open your fridge only when you feel peckish but this time reach out to your fridge to find plain yogurt and honey. Yes, you read it right, yogurt has a quality coolness which remarkably reduces redness also it tightness the pores leaving your skin feel much relaxed to the burning sensation caused by the heat. Apply combination of yogurt and honey on your affected area and leave it for 35-40 minutes washing it of lukewarm water it will leave the skin feeling much cooler bringing the redness come down remarkably.

Aloe Vera

It might be the most ignored plant in your garden as it requires the least management but the payback it gives to us in terms of health and skin benefits are a-plenty. This sunburn might have left you with itchy skin, irritation and burned marks but applying Aloe Vera gel can give you red carpet skin, making you hit the beach again as you will be flawless. Ideally you should apply the gel before going to bed and wash it in the morning but you can use it as you want as it is handy at point of hour.

Potato and cucumber juice

We know you love your mashed potatoes and cucumber salad but the juice of these two will heal your sunburn as a spa treatment. You can use the juice of these two separately with lemon juice or mix both the combination is a remedy which never goes wrong in case of sunburns. Apply them all over affected area, leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash with lukewarm water, you will see the difference immediately.

Neha Mishra
