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The misconception of a whole food diet


Do you know what are the benefits of consuming healthy foods?

Statistics have noted that individuals and families of low socio-economic status are more likely to indulge in fast food choices. Thus creating a cycle of improper nutrition.

A family of four typically spends approximately $680 per month USD on a healthy/whole food diet while a family of four opting for a fast food diet spends approximately $870 USD. When the cost factor is taken into consideration it turns out that a fast food diet is more expensive than a whole foods/convenience food diet.


What are Whole Foods?

They are defined as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. They may be:


-locally grown;

-free of pesticides;

-possess no additives or preservatives.

Whole foods are better because they contain vitamins, minerals, fiber and more nutrients.


Whole grains & health

They are helpful in:

-cancer prevention;

-heart disease prevention;

-diabetes management.

Benefits of Consuming Whole Foods

-weight loss;

-more economical than processed foods;

-although fast food is cheaper it has less nutritional value.

Whole foods help manage hypertension because they have less salt, sugar, and saturated fats.

Whole grain foods also lower cholesterol levels.

A healthy/whole food diet comprises of:

Dairy– cheese, yogurt and cow’s milk.

Lean Meat– skinless, lean meat, fish, poultry, or beef.

Fruit-tangerines, oranges, pears, apples, and tomatoes.

Vegetables-string beans, cauliflower, squash.

Grains-pasta, cereals, beans, and lentil.

The diseases caused by fast food diets or processed foods are:


-hardening of the arteries;



-dental cavities;

-pulmonary disorders;


-high cholesterol;

-irregular blood sugar;

-osteoporosis (caused by excessive salt intake)

What is the cost of consuming processed or convenience foods?

Research has proven that processed/convenience foods oftentimes cost twice the price of whole foods or foods considered to be healthy.

You can find below a few examples of convenience foods:

-canned foods;

-frozen foods/vegetables.

Foods which are inexpensive and fattening run the risk of causing chronic health ailments such as:

-cardiovascular disease;


-high blood pressure;

-kidney disease.

The bottom line is never consume food which is considered fast, easy or cheap because in the long run it will cost you your health.

Margaret Bailey
