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12 Foods which are toxic to humans


The Importance of Food Preparation and Cleanliness

There are foods which we consume on a daily basis without the knowledge of the harm they can create within the human body if not cooked properly. Some of these foods may be labeled as toxic.

Here are a list of foods which may cause food poisoning or toxicity:


(1). A food staple such as cassava which is synonymous to the potato and is often used as a side

dish can be very poisonous to the human system if not prepared accurately.

Cassava is best prepared through boiling, fermenting and sun drying.It is used

to make all sorts of food products and meals such as flour, tapioca pudding,

bread, bammy cakes and stews.

When cassava is not cooked in the appropriate methods it may cause cyanide poisoning. Cyanide poisoning leads to paralysis when high levels of cyanide are consumed.

(2). Ackee which is a fruit served with many dishes in Jamaica, when not ripened or cooked properly, it has the potential to cause coma and death. The seeds are very toxic and it contains a fatal poison called hypoglycin


(3). Green Vegetables which are supposed to be good for you are known to cause toxicity. Vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage and arugula are extremely toxic if not rinsed properly. The leaves contain e-Coli bacteria, salmonella and norovirus pathogens.

(4). Wild Mushrooms are very poisonous and can lead to liver damage. Mushrooms contain a toxin called Alpha-amantin which causes severe gastro-intestinal discomfort.

The most poisonous mushrooms are toadstool, amanita, false morels, and the Jack O’ Lantern. The toxins found in these mushrooms create symptoms of dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps and in certain circumstances death.

(5). Raw cashews which are supposed to be healthier for those suffering with allergies contain a chemical similar to poison ivy called urushiol. If consumed in large doses, urushiol causes fatal outcomes.Raw cashews are normally steamed in order to decrease the harmful effects of this chemical.

(6). Most people enjoy chilli peppers because they add a little spice to their food or for medicinal purposes. Chilli peppers have an ingredient called capsaicin which alleviates inflammation and is very good for the heart. When consumed in great quantities it causes death. Therefore it is best to exercise moderation when using peppers in meal preparation.

(7). Potatoes which are a common food staple in most homes have tremendous nutritional value because they improve heart health, prevent inflammation and constipation. They also help with the reduction of psychological stress. However, when potatoes are not properly harvested and exhibit a greenish color the vegetable is said to contain glycoalkaloid poison.

This chemical causes neurological disorders, hypotension, weak pulse and may lead to coma. Potatoes with greenish looking skin should not be consumed.

(8). Cherries help to prevent gout, regulate hormones and promote sleep because they contain melatonin. Although, they are used for various meals and desserts they are very toxic.

The pit of the cherries possesses hydrogen cyanide which causes mild poisoning. Symptoms usually manifest as headaches, confusion, anxiety and difficulty breathing. The cyanide can induce coma, initiate convulsions and respiratory arrests.

(9). Tomato is a fruit which most cooks use in sauces, stews and seasonings. They contain a specific poison called glycoalkaloid a chemical used to terminate insects. Adverse reactions may create symptoms of nausea and nervousness. When using tomato for culinary endeavours it is best to discard the leaves and stems.

(10). Peanuts which are distributed at most pubs and sold at many fairs and amusement parks cause liver cancer when not rustled up correctly. Peanuts are considered a carcinogen (cancer-causing) when not roasted.

(11). Tuna often used in sushi is toxic because it contains high levels of mercury. The toxicity causes damage to the central nervous system, exhibiting as tremors, unsteady gait and personality changes.

12). Corn is the one vegetable that most people prefer to consume because of its sweet taste. Corn and products made from corn such as cornmeal and high fructose corn syrup are responsible for damaging neurological side effects because they eliminate neurones in the body. Research has also suggested that corn may create neurological deficits in autistic individuals because it contains aflatoxin which also causes liver damage and cancer.

Most people have been conditioned to believe that food poisoning or toxicity can only occur through food consumption at eating establishments. The fact of the matter is, food poisoning is caused by improper food handling, poor preparation and lack of washing foods thoroughly.

In order to prevent food becoming toxic or contaminated, practice the following steps:

-Wash Food Thoroughly

-Keep Fridge Temperature at 5 degrees Celsius or 41 degrees Fahrenheit

Cool temperatures prevent food poisoning bugs from multiplying

-Keep meat separate from fruits, vegetables and dairy

-Kitchen Cleanliness

-Wash hands before meal preparation

-Pay attention to expiration dates on food items

-Cook foods thoroughly at high temperatures to kill bacteria

Toxin producing bacteria is not always visible to food preparers. Therefore,  just to be diligent, precautionary measures must be taken so that the bacteria does not experience rapid growth.

Simple procedures such as using anti-bacterial dish soaps for counter tops, and maintaining clean utensils and dish rags can go a long way in eliminating pesky issues as they relate to food safety.




Margaret Bailey
