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Loving yourself in a destructive society


Living in a hectic world whereby we’re constantly presented with competition, people who seem to be doing better than us, it’s no surprise that the connieb website claims that 85% of people suffer from low self-esteem. Furthermore, according to, 75% of girls with low self esteem participated in rather unhealthy activities.

Self esteem

Wikipedia says that self esteem ‘reflects a persons overall subjective emotional evaluation of his or her own worth.’

So what causes low self esteem?

We live in a world in which is clearly flawed. There are many triggers around us which may provoke us to believe we’re ‘not good enough’ to achieve what we would like to achieve. The causes of low self esteem can often stem from childhood; if we had negative experiences while our minds are not yet fully developed, we may grow up thinking that we deserved those negative experiences. Our own previous mistakes may lead us to believe we’re not capable of making healthier choices in the future thus giving us negative assumptions of life in general. And it certainly doesn’t help that the media can bombard us with unfathomable successful people and the ‘ideal body image.’


What can I do to feel happier?

Different techniques work for different people. Here are some general tips that may help give you a boost of positivity and make you feel ready to conquer this crazy concept which is life.


Music can help us in profound ways. Think of that Monday morning feeling: you’ve just rolled out of bed and your questioning whether or not you can gather up the strength of facing yet another week of craziness. Here are some songs that may make you think “yeah, I got this!”

1. The worlds greatest by R Kelly

Okay, yes, I admit that this song may seem like a little cheesy, but this song is filled with uplifting affirmations that will assure you that you’ve got what it takes to feel content in life.

2. Fight song by Rachel Platten

This song has a fierce atmosphere to it; it has the underlying message that you can get up after you’ve fell, that you got what it takes to continue fighting.

3. Masterpiece by Jessie J


This song seems to be centered around the fact that we’re all just a work in progress; that the end result is incredible but the climb is valuable too.


Whilst exercise gives you obvious benefits physically, it can also help uplift your mood. For example, the indiatimes website explains how the endorphins which our bodies release due to exercise can help improve our confidence. Simultaneously, exercise can also benefit us in terms of improving our physical appearance which can coincide confidence in general. Furthermore, exercise can give us that sense of ‘achievement’ knowing we’ve done something good for our health.

Power poses

A lot of us are familiar with the fact that when we’re feeling low our posture can sink and we twiddle with our fingers as we’re not quite sure what to do with ourselves. However, by breaking the cycle and reversing our natural body language we can trick ourselves and others into perceiving that we’re confident. Power poses often involve having open body language. For example, having your hands on your hips or sitting up straight rather than slouching.

Saying ‘yes’ to opportunities

It’s only within our natural human instinct to protect ourselves; we hide away from things that we might perceive to be dangerous. However, if this becomes irrational and a repetitive habit it can be hard to feel in control of your life. By pushing past the initial fear you may have before doing something you find out of your comfort zone, you’ll gradually teach yourself that you are very much capable of taking on new opportunities.

Thank yourself

There’s no doubt about it; we do live in a world that can sometimes seem overbearing. However, you are living proof that you can succeed despite all the things that life throws our way. You can be an inspiration to someone fighting a similar battle. You can decide today, that despite the past, you can nurture yourself well and watch as the seeds of positivity flourish within you.

Imogen Partridge
