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Erectile Dysfunction: What You Need to Know


Millions of men suffer from erectile dysfunction – and most are too ashamed to talk about it, let alone get the facts. But keeping your head in the sand could be dangerous

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is one of the most pervasive health problems affecting adult males all over the civilized world. At least 40% of men over age 40 are actively suffering from ED problems, and the issue only gets worse with age. This condition is a big concern, which is why men need to get educated about ED symptoms, risks, treatment options, and all other relevant news that ED sufferers need to know.

Erectile Dysfunction: Not a Lone Disease

One thing most people don’t understand about erectile dysfunction is that this disease doesn’t exist in a vacuum; it is usually accompanied by many other afflictions in the human body. As a matter of fact, more often than not, ED is merely a symptom of much more serious health conditions that may have gone unaddressed up until the point where adult males start to experience ED on a regular basis:

  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Type II Diabetes
  • Prostate problems
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stroke

This is why it’s so important for anyone suffering from ED to talk to their doctor. Your erectile dysfunction may be the sign you need to start early treatment or preventative care before a serious, life-threatening condition develops.

Signs of Erectile Dysfunction

The truth is that erectile dysfunction can strike at any age. It is not uncommon, even for young, virile men, to experience a lack of cooperation from their anatomy once in a blue moon. So how do you tell the difference between the occasional fluke and a clinical case of ED? Well, if you experience any of the following symptoms during more than half of your attempted sexual encounters, you may have a serious case of erectile dysfunction:

  • Inability to achieve an erection
  • Inability to maintain an erection for longer than a few minutes
  • Inability to penetrate your partner
  • Inability to engage in the physical act of sexual intercourse
  • Painful erections

Another telltale sign of erectile dysfunction becomes apparent when these symptoms get worse or increase in frequency over time. If you are afraid to talk to your doctor about your ED symptoms, don’t be. It’s a very common problem, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Furthermore, neglecting to discuss the issue with your physician could adversely affect your health if your ED is a symptom of a much more serious issue.

Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

There are many different ways to treat erectile dysfunction, with or without your doctor’s help. Some minimally invasive, non-prescription ways to treat ED include:

  • Anatomy pumps. These are mechanical devices which you use to help pump more blood into your erection. All you have to do is insert your member into the clear glass or plastic tube, make sure there is an air-tight seal between the open end of the tube and your groin area, and manually operate the pump mechanism. This will suck the air out of the tube, creating a vacuum, which stretches the tissues and allows blood to infiltrate the veins and capillaries more efficiently.
  • Non-prescription supplements. Some over-the-counter herbal supplements claim to have ingredients which mimic the effects of prescription strength ED drugs. More studies are needed to show which herbs may be an effective alternative to pharmaceutical solutions.
  • Mindfulness training. If your erectile dysfunction is not caused by any physical condition, it may be the result of stress or anxiety in your life. Assuming the stressors are minor and/or temporary, simple daily meditation could help clear your head and reduce your stress levels to the point where they no longer interfere with your ability to achieve an erection.

After talking with your doctor about your erectile dysfunction problems (which, again, is strongly suggested), he/she may come up with a more specialized treatment plan. Some of the most popular remedies are erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra. However, these prescriptions are problematic because they can exacerbate heart problems and cause serious side effects.

Another common medical treatment for ED involves Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This method is more common when the erectile dysfunction cannot be traced back to a physical cause. In some cases, antidepressants (SSRIs) are prescribed in tandem with the CBT in order to reduce or eliminate the emotional causes of erectile dysfunction.

If you think you may be suffering from erectile dysfunction, don’t be too ashamed to talk to your doctor. It’s much more common than you might think, and it’s nothing to be scared of. With early detection and proper care, you can keep your male sexual health in tip-top shape for many years to come.




Ashley Bubp
