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Losing weight, without a diet!


How do you go about getting rid of those extra pounds, permanently?

There have been many years where I have promised myself, “I will lose my excess weight in time for summer!” I would try dieting which would help at first but then the hunger would come and the temptations would become too much.  So ultimately, I would fail.  Worse still I would gain even more weight!

So you can imagine my scepticism when I was told that I didn’t have to go without my usual meals and instead of eating less, I could eat as much as normal.  Just not as 3 meals per day, but as 6 or more meals.  Smaller quantities per meal but more meals spaced out evenly during the day.  There were only 2 other changes I needed to make, drink more water and do an extra 15 minutes exercise per day.


If you’re anything like me you are probably thinking that I am on a wind up or something.  But in all honesty, it was painless and worked well. Here’s how I decided I would make it work for me:

7am – Glass of water, 2 slices of toast, buttered, and a cup of tea

10am – Glass of water, bowl of cereal with milk OR a portion of fruit and a cup of tea

12pm – Glass of water, light lunch maybe some salad with tuna

3pm – Glass of water, treat maybe a small chocolate bar or packet of crisps,  and a cup of tea.

6pm – Glass of Water, cooked meal but about half my normal portion size, and a cup of tea

8pm – glass of water and some fruit with yoghurt


At this time my children had just begun school so my exercise already included walking them to and from school and then speed walking back home afterwards.  I needed to increase the length of my walk as it was only 20 minutes each way with the children.  I decided I would walk into the local town and walk home, this would take me a good extra half hour each day. I know that is more than the 15 minutes, but it meant that my weekends were covered and I could enjoy my time with my girls.

I started to lose weight almost immediately.  A stone was lost in a month and because I wasn’t starving myself, I was able to keep it off.  I began to feel better about myself and felt healthier for it too.  And when I had lost the weight and was happy, I dropped the route home via local town, and just kept eye on my weight.  It really is that simple and here/s why it works.  You have probably heard of the body clock, we all have one.  Your body knows your habits, when you eat, when you sleep, and when you are usually active.  So your body clock controls your metabolism.  Your body clock is probably set to expect meals 3 times a day at roughly same time each day.  Therefore your metabolism will increase at those times of the day.  If you train your body to expect food at shorter more frequent intervals, your metabolism will increase.  More of the food you consume will be processed by your body and less retained as fat stores.  Now add to that the extra exercise to burn off the excessive fat that was previously gained and you have a winning plan to getting that beach-body you have dreamed of.

Amanda Watkiss
