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How to kick that coffee habit for good


Coffee is one of those things that people want to give up but the world just may stop if they do. If you replace that cup with a cup of blackstrap molasses “coffee” then you’ll receive the same benefits that you expect from coffee but also many other health benefits that coffee just can’t compete with.

With summer around the corner, it may be the time to finally commit to kicking that coffee habit. People who have been trying to give up coffee often complain of the caffeine crash, increased blood pressure, faster heart rate and headaches. Bear in mind, this article is not meant to persuade anyone to quit drinking coffee. This article is for those who already have an intrinsic motivation to quit but may not know where else to get the energy that they need for the day. This article presents that solution with many more benefits.

While I love summer, as an anaemic, I fatigue quickly under the hot sun. I would end up napping during valuable productivity time. Having a low iron count made me a coffee addict, hoping to gain energy but quickly regretting the coffee runs when fatigue came back hours later with a vengeance. This summer, I vowed to find a coffee substitute that would give me energy without making the heat wave of the summer worse with jitters.


Then I found blackstrap molasses. Made entirely from sugar, I was sceptical that this could provide any benefits at all. When in fact it is the healthiest, sugary substance that you will consume all year. First, I’ll address how I use blackstrap molasses as a coffee substitute. Then I’ll talk about its benefits.

In the morning, I heat up a cup of water (or milk or non-dairy milk can be used) and mix in 3 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses. The finished product resembles coffee (black coffee if water is used or coffee with cream if milk is used) but to me, tastes much better. I also like that I do not need to add sugar since blackstrap molasses IS sugar. What is amazing about this replacement cup of joe is how much better it is for you than actual coffee.

Blackstrap molasses has a significant amount of antioxidants, Vitamin B6, manganese, magnesium, selenium, potassium and iron. One tablespoon of blackstrap molasses contains 20% of the daily recommended value of iron needed a day. In the coffee substitute then, that means one cup has 60% of the iron you will need for the day which is great to prevent fatigue that comes from the hot weather, especially for anemics. The vitamin B6 content, due to its aid in serotonin production, helps boost mood and ease stress. If you are one of those people who need that morning coffee in order to speak to anyone, this substitute is right up your alley.

One of blackstrap molasses’ most surprising facts is that diabetics can benefit from this all-sugar substance due to its high chromium content and moderate 55 on the glycemic index. Chromium increases glucose tolerance and slows the metabolism of carbohydrates and glucose thereby reducing insulin production. Overall, this is a great sweetener for not only coffee but in baked goods or anywhere you use traditional sugar. If you’re worried about blood sugar and/or diabetes, you can finally have your cake and eat it too.

Blackstrap molasses has many more benefits such as its mineral content that builds stronger bones or lactic acid which makes skin radiant from within. With personal research, you may discover that even if you want to keep your cup of Java, blackstrap molasses is worth adding to your daily supplements.

Shay Elcock
