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The meat consumption controversy


There is the fundamental truth that people need food in order to survive. Indeed, food is one of the most precious resources that people could have because it provides nutrients that people need in order to function well. In terms of the ranking of necessity, food would come in at around third place, behind only water and oxygen. That is because people can go days without food, but only a short amount of time without water, and only a few minutes without oxygen.

Additionally, sometimes people need to be careful about what they eat so that they can have a good life. There is also a controversy about food consumption because some foods involve the killing of domesticated animals. Although vegetarians and vegans argue that eating meat is bad, eating meat can be acceptable because it can maintain a healthy body. After all, health is the greatest joy of all.

When it comes to nutrition, people need to eat a wide variety of food in order to acquire the proper nutrition to sustain a healthy life. These types of nutrients are found exclusively in certain types of meat. For example, sometimes people cannot obtain the amino acids that they need in only vegetarian or vegan sources, like tofu. In fact, meat often contains all of the amino acids that people need to maintain healthy muscles. Meat also contains high amounts of iron, which is necessary for healthy blood. In reality, there are legitimate reasons why people should eat meat instead of being vegan or vegetarian. For example, some types of protein are found only in meat and not in other food sources. The nutrients found in meat, like protein and B vitamins, also have a higher concentration in meat when compared to other food sources. Therefore, eating meat provides food sources that are necessary to sustain healthy life and they are better to acquire from meat because of the richness of nutrients found within it.


However, both vegetarians and vegans argue against eating meat because they do not believe that people should eat other animals for ethical reasons. Vegans choose not to eat animals because they believe that killing them is atrocious and that animals should have rights that should be protected. When compared to vegetarians, vegans are even stronger advocates of avoiding the consumption of meat because they do not think it is ethical since animals have their own lives. Vegetarians and vegans think that lives should be respected because they believe in protecting the lives of animals rather than killing them and using them for food.   Vegans who choose this lifestyle also think that they can be perfectly healthy by eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Vegetarians and vegans argue that meat is not required to obtain nutrition we need for a healthy life because they can get the nutrition from natural sources. Being healthy actually involves eating a wide variety of food, including meat.

Eating meat is really not a serious crime because certain animals, like chicken and fish, are meant to be consumed in order to nourish the human body. It is true that eating meat involves killing other animals, but people are supposed to consume animals that are lower on the food chain. The food chain asserts that some animals are meant to eat other animals, and that justifies the reason why it is justifiable to eat animals. It would not seem reasonable to go against the intentions of Mother Nature because depriving oneself of vital nutrients is not a reasonable action even if it does protect the lives of other animals. In other words, people are meant to eat other animals.

Meat can be incorporated into a healthy diet because of the way we are biologically constructed to eat meat. Human beings, by nature, are omnivores because of the way the human mandible is designed. The canine teeth that people possess are designed in order to tear the flesh and the jaw is also designed to be strong, chew, and consume meat we are able to intake. In fact, meat has forms of protein that nourish the body. By eating meat, people can also take in other sources of protein from seeds and nuts, which are not as potent as meat when it comes to replenishing the body’s need for adequate levels of protein. The protein levels in nuts, for example, are not as complete as those found in meat. Depriving oneself of appropriate food sources could have dire consequences. A lack of protein can lead to unhealthy muscles, for example. Vegetarians and vegans might not want to eat meat, but people are naturally omnivores.

More importantly, meat is essential to having a balanced diet. The standard diet for any given person includes the five basic food groups, which include grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy. A combination of all five sources, along with the consumption of fats and sweets done sparingly, can help people maintain good overall health. If people eliminate any of the five basic food groups, then they could potentially become sick because they do not have a balanced diet. There have been instances in which people have become ill because they lack the nutrients necessary for proper health. Depriving oneself of a specific food group, including meat, could potentially be harmful.  Sacrificing personal health can do more harm than good and it is not worth risking one’s health.

Some nutritionists recommend eating meat because the amino acids in this food source can help people maintain a strong muscle mass. Lacking protein can also be very detrimental because the body might lose muscle mass in order to keep a given person alive. There have also been cases in which people do not have enough fat and muscle mass in their body, which means that the body might waste away if people do not have a healthy diet that includes protein.

Vegetarians and vegans might disagree with this argument, but meat is still essential for a healthy diet. Meat is essential and necessary for dietary reasons because it is an important food group that contributes to overall health. For example, the concentration of certain nutrients, like protein, amino acids, and B vitamins, are much higher than in plant-based sources, and it is beneficial to eat meat to obtain a healthy, natural amount of them. In fact, trying to obtain those nutrients in only plant-based sources might not allow people to acquire all of the nutrients necessary for good health.  Having a balanced diet, which includes meat, will allow my body to function properly so that I can enjoy having good health, which some of consider to be the greatest joy of all.

Alex Phuong
