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How good is it for your body to run in the summer heat?

With summer temperatures constantly being over 30 degrees Centigrade, doctors are constantly advising people to take care of themselves and protect against the heat. But what does this mean for runners and how does it affect their health?

It is true that running in the intense heat does have its risks. Dehydration can easily occur, as well as overheating, which can in turn lead to muscle cramps, excessive sweating, headaches, nausea, tiredness and dizziness. The performance of the run might be affected, and heat exhaustion and heat strokes can also take place.

Nevertheless, these risks can be avoided if proper caution measures are taken. First of all, make sure to drink enough fluids, so as to remain hydrated, avoid running between 11 am and 3 pm, which is the hottest time of the day, wear light and breathable fabrics and don’t forget to slow down your pace.


Furthermore, don’t forget the fact that our bodies can adapt to heat, but this can take time, so try and acclimatize to the temperature in around 14 days.

If you prepare your body well enough, running in high temperatures should not pose that much of a problem for you.

Lydia Peirce
