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Dog returns home after 9 months lost in Idaho mountains

A lost dog returned home safely after surviving over nine months in the Idaho mountains during a brutal winter.

Mo, a 14-year old Chesapeake Bay retriever, wandered off from her owners Darwin and Cindy Cameron in September 2016. The couple searched for Mo for months, but after a brutal winter, they feared the worst, according to ABC.

“The day she went missing, the other guys took off and went hunting and I had to run to town… Mo was asleep on the couch and I came home and the grandson of one of our hunting partners had opened the door to play ball with Mo and when Mo realized I wasn’t there she took off to find me,” Darwin Cameron said today on Good Morning America.


“If you know anything about Idaho winters, this one was not a normal one. Record snowfalls, highest snowfalls and coldest temperatures in over 100 years,” Cameron added. “So to think that she was smart enough and tenacious enough to figure out how to do that, that’s pretty good for a little town dog, we’re just amazed,” he added.

Cheri Glankler, a farmer in Garden Valley took care of Mo after she was found collapsed, covered in ticks and fleas on a ranch near Horseshoe Bend. The man posted photos on Facebook and this way, the Camerons were able to reunite with their dog.

Mo is recovering slowly but surely, according to Cindy Cameron. “She’s doing OK. She has arthritis but we’re giving her some medication, she’s walking a little better, she’s gained some weight and it’s wonderful to have her home,” she said.


Daisy Wilder
