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VIDEO: Queen Mary – Twice as Big as the Titanic, Endlessly More Creepy

You may have heard of The Queen Mary, a notoriously “haunted” ship that is docked in Long Beach, California.

So, the guys from decided to go aboard the ship and stay there for a night to see if there was actually paranormal activity.

The ship first set sail in 1936 and was deemed a luxury boat, decked out with amenities like multiple cocktail rooms, dining rooms, and a swimming pool.


However, when World War II occurred, the boat was repurposed for military use. It held approximately 800,000 soldiers, captives, and prisoners of war.

On top of playing an integral part of our nation’s history, it also played a part in Ryan, our host’s, life. Ryan actually visited the ship about 8 years ago and had a paranormal experience of his own.

About 8 years ago, Ryan and a few friends stayed on the boat and taunted the ghosts. Although nothing happened when they called for the spirits, later that night, when Ryan was sleeping, he woke up to the feeling of something poking his face. When he turned to his friend next to him, he was sound asleep.

And that’s not it. Ryan was actually able to document a strange occurrence on tape.

While Ryan was brushing his teeth, a bag and toothpaste inexplicably flew off the counter, begging the question: Gravity or ghost?

On top of Ryan’s experience, the boat has quite a bit of history. In 1942, during a war-time expedition, a smaller boat was driving in front of the Queen Mary to throw off enemy ships. However, the Queen Mary gained too much speed and crushed the boat completely.

Since it was a time of war, the Queen Mary could not stop and help the survivors. By the time rescue ships arrived, only 99 out of the 430 passengers survived.


Some say that the ship’s passengers haunt the boiler room and bow of the Queen Mary. The current captain of the boat has also had his own supernatural experiences.

Once, he was alone deep in the ship and knocked twice on the side. He then heard an inexplicable knock from the other side of the room.

Many passengers report seeing two women around the pool area. Which would make sense, because two women actually drowned in the pool on the Queen Mary many years ago.

People have also reported suspicious activity in the kitchen, which is where a chef was brutally murdered by soldiers.

Out of all the rooms on the entire boat, it’s room B340 that is the creepiest one of all.

A lot of people have said that they have heard voices and beds moving and the light go on and off and so does the water. The room was actually stripped clean about 25 years ago and since then no one dared to sleep in it again.

While there are a lot of creepy sounds coming from the boat at all time,s it might just be due to the fact that it is old.

