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VIDEO: Alien Soldier Was Seen Tracking the Curiosity Rover on Mars

The internet is full of conspiracy theories, one crazier than the next, but they all exist because someone or even a bunch of people believes in the fact that they are completely real.

Not only this, but every once in a while one of them proves to be true and that’s when people start giving other theories a chance and assume that if one of them was true even if it seemed impossible then maybe there are more such theories that could also be true.

One of the things that people usually believe or want to believe is that we are not alone in the universe and somewhere out there there are other life forms which are probably even more advanced than us even though they look completely different.


They might look weird to us and have green or blue bodies, reptile heads or some other peculiar feature, but they definitely exist.

While to some extent it would be nice not to be alone in the universe, most people believe that if they do exist then they are going to try and attack us and take over our planet or even completely destroy our planet.

Some think that they know we exist and that they have infiltrated our ranks or are sending spaceships every once in a while to check on us and see how we are evolving.

If there’s one way to find them is by going into space and looking for them and on other planets is where we’ll find them. NASA has, according to some, probably already found evidence of life in space and they have even made contact with them, but they don’t want us to know about it.

According to, video footage show the supposed alien wearing a space suit and carrying a weapon with some believing it has been “frozen”.

The creature was spotted by Paranormal Crucible who posted the video on Youtube.

The video description states: “Intriguing object which I spotted while going through the NASA archives.


“This one definitely looks artificial in nature and in my opinion is an ancient statuette.

“The odd thing about this one is that it does resemble an alien grey or possibly an insect type species of alien.”

However some people who watched it appear to not be convinced and have their own theories about what the object is.

Zak Farley commented: “I have a crazy idea…maybe (stay with me on this one) just maybe – it’s a rock?”

Im Hybrid Sky appears to agree with Zak and adds that it is a “small rock in front of an even bigger rock, it’s pretty obvious.”

Disclose Tv states: “The most important question is, is it a statue, or was this person petrified (turned to stone) by a gruesome, yet powerful weapon?”

Earlier this month it was reported that a team of alien hunters had come across a giant alien claw which was buried deep beneath a desert in Peru.

The amateur alien hunters say the giant three fingered-hand must have either belonged to an alien or a giant humanoid.

