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VIDEO: Unknown and Terrifying Charles Manson Facts!

There are a lot of murderers that are famous because of the atrocities that they have committed and the people that decided they had a valid point and started to follow them around, but there is one that seems to be a few level above all the rest when it comes to crazy.

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We’re talking about the well-known Charles Manson who is a mystery in his own and that no one can fully understand no matter how many times he tries to explain what he did and why he did those things.


According to, in the autumn of 1969, the gruesome Tate-LaBianca murders dropped a veil of fear over Los Angeles. One of the victims, the actress Sharon Tate, was visibly pregnant. Smeared on the walls of the crime scenes in the victims’ blood were the words “pigs,” “rise,” and “death to pigs.”

On the refrigerator more blood had been used to scrawl the cryptic phrase “Healter Skelter.” Manson and several of his followers, members of his self-described “Family” who had come to think of him in Messianic terms, were arrested for the murders later that year and brought to trial in the summer of 1970. The ensuing media circus turned Manson into a bizarre cultural icon.

Today, still in prison over four decades after the murders, Manson continues to hold sway over a handful of followers. And he remains a cultural presence. To a few, he is a herald of revolution.

To others, he’s a cosmic punchline, whose insane proclamations keep providing fodder for existential laughter. To most, he is the very symbol of evil. He is, for better or worse, one of the more fascinating figures of the 20th century, a charismatic and shadowy figure lurking in one of humanity’s darker corners. And there’s more to Charles Manson than a wild-eyed loopy glare.

It seems that Charles Manson, the man who for many personifies murder in the 20th century, has never actually physically killed anyone. In fact, he wasn’t present at either of the murders for which he was famously convicted.

Although he participated in the binding of Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, he split before the actual killing began. And he was completely absent during the Tate murders. He was convicted under California statutes that allowed murder conspirators to be culpable via “vicarious liability,” which did not demand their presence at a murder to convict.

Manson was present for another Family murder. Group member Bobby Beausoleil had bought a bad batch of mescaline from music teacher Gary Hinman. When Beausoleil tried to recoup his investment, Hinman said he had no money to give him. Beausoleil, along with Family members Mary Brunner and Susan Atkins, tied Hinman to a chair and called Charlie.


Manson showed up and threatened Hinman, even slashing his ear with a sword. When he realized no money was forthcoming, he ordered Beausoleil to kill Hinman and make it appear to be the work of a militant Black Power group.

Hinman was stabbed to death while chanting Buddhist prayers and Beausoleil wrote “Political piggie” on the wall in his blood. He also dipped his hand in the blood and left a “paw print” in an attempt to lay the blame on the Black Panthers.

