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VIDEO: Twisted Things Jeffrey Dahmer Did to His Victims

Convicted serial killer and sex offender Jeffrey Dahmer murdered 17 males between 1978 and 1991.

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In addition to killing the men and teenagers he lured home, he mutilated, photographed and performed sexual acts on the victims’ corpses, keeping body parts as mementos.


According to, Dahmer’s killing spree lasted for more than 13 years. During that time he sought out mostly African-American men at gay bars, malls and bus stops, lured them home with promises of money or sex, and gave them alcohol laced with drugs before strangling them to death.

He would then engage in sex acts with the corpses before dismembering them and disposing of them, often keeping their genitals or skulls as souvenirs. He frequently took photos of his victims at various stages of the murder process, so he could recollect each act afterward and relive the experience.

Dahmer’s grandmother eventually tired of her grandson’s late nights and drunkenness—although she had no knowledge of his other activities—and in 1988 she forced him to move out, though not before he had killed another two victims on the premises.

That September, Dahmer had an extremely lucky escape: An encounter with a 13-year-old Laotian boy resulted in charges of sexual exploitation and second-degree sexual assault for Dahmer. He pleaded guilty, claiming that the boy had appeared much older.

While awaiting sentencing for his sexual assault case, Dahmer again put his grandmother’s basement to gruesome use: In March 1989, he lured, drugged, strangled, sodomized, photographed, dismembered and disposed of Anthony Sears, an aspiring model.

In May 1989, at his trial for child molestation, Dahmer was the model of contrition, arguing eloquently, in his own defense, about how he had seen the error of his ways, and that his arrest marked a turning point in his life.

His defense counsel argued that he needed treatment, not incarceration, and the judge agreed, handing down a one-year prison sentence on “day release”—allowing Dahmer to work at his job during the day and return to the prison at night—as well as a five-year probationary sentence.


Years later, in an interview with CNN, Lionel Dahmer stated that he wrote a letter to the court that issued the sentence, requesting psychological help before his son’s parole. However, Jeffrey Dahmer was granted an early release by the judge, after serving only 10 months of his sentence.

He briefly lived with his grandmother following his release, during which time he does not appear to have added to his body count, before moving back into his own apartment.

Dahmer’s victim count accelerated over the following year, with 12 more lives taken in the same manner as his previous victims. He developed rituals as he progressed, experimenting with chemical means of disposal and often consuming the flesh of his victims.

Dahmer also attempted crude lobotomies, drilling into victims’ skulls while they were still alive and injecting them with muriatic acid. He was careful to select victims on the fringes of society, who were often itinerant or borderline criminal, making their disappearances less noticeable and reducing the likelihood of his capture.

Joanna Grey
