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VIDEO: Three House Sitting HORROR Stories. They Are All REAL!

Especially when we were younger, a lot of us have ended up house sitting for someone while they went on vacation. The plants have to be watered, the pets fed and everything has to be in order when they return. But sometimes things don’t go according to plan and a lot of weird stuff can happen when you are in a foreign house. But if you still want to do it, better do it right.

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According to, house-sitting is a fabulous way to travel the world, get free accommodation, live like a local, enjoy the comforts of home, and did I mention – get free accommodation? But just because something doesn’t have a price tag doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a cost.


Not all house-sitting jobs are created equally, nor are they free from problems. I’ve had pet parrots fly away, and pet dogs end up in a hospital. I’ve dealt with house-sitting responsibilities whilst seriously ill and in need of a hospital myself.

I’ve found myself doing “easy” house-sits that involved hours of daily labor, and I’ve had major conflicts with homeowners. Some house-sitting challenges can be avoided, while others are just par for the course.

Has this deterred me from house-sitting? Generally speaking, no. And if you ask the professional house-sitting community, they’ll agree; house-sitting may have its share of complications, but for most house-sitters, the pros far outweigh the cons – as long as you know what you’re in for, and can take the heat when the kitchen gets hot.

This article will show you the basics of house-sitting, how to stand out and get jobs, and – most importantly – through the advice and experience of a panel of professional house-sitters, we’ll show you how to avoid potential house-sitting problems and pitfalls.

The concept is simple: A homeowner plans to vacate their property (for anything from a few days to a few months to even longer). They get a house-sitter to come and stay in their home, water the plants, check the mail, take care of the pets, and address any other household tasks that need to be done in their absence.

It’s a win-win for everybody: the homeowner rests assured that there is both a security presence in their home and somebody around to take care of things, and the house-sitter gets to enjoy the comforts of home (somebody else’s home that is) in a different part of the world – for free.

(Note: In some cases you might be required to pay some utilities, and in other cases you might be compensated for your efforts.)


There are a variety of house-sitting websites to choose from that connect homeowners in need with house-sitters in search. Most are free to peruse listings, and charge an annual membership fee to in order connect securely with homeowners.

If you’re inclined to balk at the annual fee, just consider that one night of free accommodation with house-sitting more than pays for your membership.

If you want to know more about house-sitting and how to become part of the “inner circle” of house-sitters like some of the experts profiled below, you can learn everything you need to know and get the support you need at the House Sitting Academy.

