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VIDEO: Recording of the East Area Rapist/Original Night Stalker. Incredibly SCARY!

There have been quite a lot of serial killers in history and a lot of them actually got away with it which makes everything all the more scary. When they are also really prolific and keep killing over a big span of time things get worse. Sometimes they even change their modus operandi and the people they target wideness which makes catching them even harder.

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According to, the Original Night Stalker, also referred to as The East Area Rapist, EAR-ONS, and, more recently, The Diamond Knot Killer and The Golden State Killer, is a still-unidentified serial rapist-turned-killer who was active in Northern California from 1976 to 1979 and Southern California from 1979 to 1986.


On June 18, 1976, the first attack committed by The East Area Rapist occurred in Rancho Cordova, at 4:00 a.m. About six months and exactly seven attacks later, the affected communities began to worry, while the Sheriff Department of Sacramento advised to the news stations to not report the rapes.

In October 18, two attacks occurred on the same day, to which authorities held neighborhood meetings set up to inform civilians and dispel false rumors.

On April 2 of 1977, after over 15 attacks occurred, the first couple was attacked. On May 17, Sacramento County was thrust into a state of panic after The East Area Rapist threatened to murder his next two victims. As a result, sheriff patrols were increased and even civilians formed their own patrols.

However, The East Area Rapist sent a taunt to the heightened security by attacking his first couple in Sacramento’s South Area, near the office of a dentist who contributed an additional $10,000 to the $15,000 reward for his apprehension. On September 6, the first couple in Stockton was attacked.

On December 30, The East Area Rapist committed his first murders as The Original Night Stalker, killing Dr. Robert Offerman and Debra Manning by shooting both to death, presumably after Offerman managed to escape from his bonds and attempted to fight back.

On March 13 of the following year, the second victims, Lyman and Charlene Smith, were found dead, this time by bludgeoning with a fireplace log. At this time, it was revealed that the bonds used to restrain their victims were tied in a “diamond knot”. The following year, on March 13, the second victims, Lyman and Charlene Smith, were found dead, both fatally bludgeoned.

Months later, Keith and Patrice Harrington were also murdered, and then, on February 5 of 1981, The Original Night Stalker killed his first lone murder victim, Manuela Witthuhn. Following this murder were three more murders, of Cheri Domingo and Gregory Sanchez on July 27 and Janelle Lisa Cruz on May 4, 1986.


In 1990 or 1991, the criminal made his last known contact with the public, on a phone call he made to one of his victims. Then, he disappeared completely and no murders or rapes committed by him have followed.

About a decade later, in 2001, a remarkable connection was made by authorities, who have made the discovery that The Original Night Stalker and The East Area Rapist were the same criminal, making him “the most prolific serial offender” in Californian history. As of date (May 2012), the criminal remains uncaught and the case is still open.

