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VIDEO: Shocking Conspiracy Theories That Were Proven to Be TRUE!

Obsessed with conspiracy theories, the youtuber Matthew Santoro decided he wanted to make the second part to his video of conspiracy theories that are actually true. It seems like he has found very much material to support his theories and that there are a lot of conspiracies which are true.

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Most of them are quite shocking and involve the loss of many lives because of government cover-ups.


According to, it’s getting harder to separate truth from fiction in the age of fake news. But conspiracy theories and propaganda are as old as society itself. Perhaps most disturbing of all is the growing wealth of scientific evidence suggesting that we’re influenced even by news we know to be fake.

How many disproven JFK assassination theories are floating around in your brain thanks to Oliver Stone? Do you sometimes wonder if anyone has ever really landed on the Moon? And do you think just maybe it’s possible that Adolf Hitler actually survived World War II and lived out his days in Brazil? If so, you’re not alone.

But sometimes the wildest conspiracies are true. Like these seemingly insane conspiracy theories that are quite real:

“Gaydar” – Who doesn’t love Canada? Well, 1960’s Canada wasn’t quite the squishy utopia it seems to be today. The Canadian government hired Carleton University professor Frank Robert Wake to create something it maliciously called the “fruit machine,” which they believed could detect and identify gay men. It wasn’t part of some benign effort to understand human sexuality.

It was part of a sick bit of McCarthyism with the stated goal of getting all gay men out of the country’s government. More than 400 people lost their jobs, and 9,000 more were kept on a file of “suspects.” The device claimed to work by measuring how much a subject’s pupils dilated after being forced to look at same-sex erotic imagery.

The Gulf of Tokien Incident – On August 2, 1964, the USS. Maddox opened fire on what it later claimed were several North Vietnamese targets.

The skirmish deepened America’s involvement in the Vietnam War, leading to the death of thousands of U.S. soldiers and many more Vietnamese, including hundreds of thousands of civilians. Except, it turned out the “targets” the Maddox fired upon didn’t actually exist. It’s still debated today whether the incident was an intentional misdirection by the military.


The CIA funded the Dalai Lama – Who doesn’t love the Dalai Lama? I mean, other than the Chinese government. Even the CIA can’t get enough of His Holiness and his band of Tibetan resistance fighters.

That’s because during the 1960s, the CIA allegedly funneled millions of dollars to the Tibetan Resistance, including what some claim was a six-figure annual “salary” that went directly to the Dalai Lama himself.

Rather, it was a pretty obvious attempt to undermine the Chinese government, something the Chinese have complained about for decades. In declassified State Department memos, the organization says:

“The purpose of the program … is to keep the political concept of an autonomous Tibet alive within Tibet and among foreign nations, principally India, and to build a capability for resistance against possible political developments inside Communist China.”

