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VIDEO: Filipino Toddler Wakes Up During Her Own Funeral. Is It a Miracle?

There have been some cases in recent years in which people were awakened at their own funerals or even woke up after they were buried. It’s hard to say if we’re talking about miracles or juts some sort of medical malpraxis. Anyway, the families of those that have died and resurrected are thrilled to get to spend more time with their loved ones.
According to, a three-year-old girl declared clinically dead by doctors who woke up at her own funeral has died.
The tiny child from Zamboanga del Sur in southern Philippines ‘died’ on Friday and her family quickly arranged a funeral.
During the Mass a relative heard movement and lifted the lid of the coffin and saw the youngster’s head move.
Her father immediately grabbed his daughter from the coffin and gave her a cuddle. However, the story does not have a happy ending and the child has now been pronounced dead again.
Dr Mary Silyne Asor-Cabahug, the Municipal Health Officer of Aurora, used a cardiac monitor to assess the condition of the girl today but found no signs of life and confirmed that the child is dead.
Dr Cabahug advised the child’s parents to bury her as soon as possible to prevent diseases.
Footage of the amazing moment was captured by a mourner on a camera phone and uploaded onto the internet.
Police senior inspector Heidil Teelan said the girl had been suffering a severe fever for several days and was taken to a medical clinic.
He said: ‘During that time, the attending clinic personnel and physician confirmed that the young patient had no more pulse and was clinically dead last Saturday morning about 9am.
According to the Philippine Star the hospital told the family to take the girl home and prepare for a funeral service.
Inspector Teelan said that while they were not the proper authority to confirm the medical case, but based on the accounts of the child’s parents, he could reveal that the girl experienced severe fever for days and was taken to the clinic in the town for medical attention last Friday.
He said one of the mourners spotted the girl move her head while they were inspecting the coffin.
He said: ‘This prompted them to check and confirmed the girl had pulse and was alive.
‘We really can not make confirmation on the status of the girl but based on the observation of the police personnel I deployed it appear the girl remained in a state of comatose in their house.’
After the girl became an internet sensation for a while because she moved in her tiny coffin, now it seems that she is really dead, unfortunately. Even so, the family got to be with her for a little longer and every single minute counts. The doctors were probably extra-careful this time before they pronounced the child and the parents have to check several times before putting the child to rest forever. This is why between the moment of death and the burial people should wait a couple of days.
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