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VIDEO: There Is NO Video Scarier! You Won’t Sleep for a Week!

Some people really freak out when they see something the least bit scary, while others seem to be looking for those scary things on purpose because they like the thrill and the adrenaline. It’s really not easy to control your emotions when you see something truly terrifying, but there are people that search for this kind of thing because it makes them feel alive.

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The good part is that for them the internet is a gold mine because it is filled with such things, you just need to know what to search for.


The only problem is that you might get in way too deep. The internet has so much to offer that you could spend days on end looking only at creepy things and they would never end. What is more, you might never be able to sleep again after you are done.

According to, if you’ve ever gone on a late-night YouTube odyssey, you know that there are some pretty creepy videos out there. Most of the time, you find them accidentally and close them as quickly as you clicked on them.

But if you’re someone who prefers to see all of the creepiness that the Internet has to offer, we’ve compiled a list of videos that most people would rather avoid. How many of them can you get through?

I Feel Fantastic – You could live for 100 years and possibly never encounter anything as creepy and deeply disturbing as this video.

Max Headroom – This video from 1987 was broadcast on a PBS affiliate channel in Chicago. The station’s signal was hijacked and interrupted by this freaky 90-second video. The hacker was never caught.

Elisa Lam’s Final Moments – This surveillance footage captured the last time that 21-year-old Canadian tourist Elisa Lam was seen during her visit to Los Angeles. Eighteen days later, her body was found decomposing in the hotel’s water tank. It would have been impossible for her to access that tank on her own.

Daddy Long Legs – An insane mass of spiders in a tree. Need I say more?


Dining Room or There is Nothing – Words cannot describe the creepiness of this video. Just watch it for yourself…if you dare.

Nightstalker Recording – In the late 1970s, a serial killer and rapist stalked Southern California. In between his murders, he left terrifying, cryptic voicemails for his future victims. While his identity remains a mystery, this recording will make you feel like he’s sitting right behind you.

Suicide Mouse – It takes skill to turn Micky Mouse into something terrifying.

Baby Laugh’a’Lot – I’d love to meet the marketing team that decided to sell this horrifying product. Can you imagine hearing that thing in the dead of night?

The Carter Hotel Experience – The Carter Hotel is one of New York City’s seediest places to spend the night. In the video above (and the sequel), a woman recounts the establishment’s violent history and then tries to spend a creepy night there.

