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VIDEO: Celebrities Who’ve Killed People

How does that saying go…? “Stop making stupid people famous!” Well, maybe we should stop making murderers famous!

Anyone can write on Evonews. Start writing!

There are a few well known, loved by all celebrities that have actually killed people. O. J. Simpson is one of them, but we all know about him, right? He’s kind of old news, to be fair. But did you know that Caitlyn Jenner is also on this list?


This video presents five celebrities that have killed people.

The Sid Vicious Case – Nancy Spungen’s Death

John Beverly, known as Sid Vicious, was an English bassist and vocalist, most famous as a member of the influential punk rock band the Sex Pistols.

According to Wikipedia, on the morning of 12 October 1978, Vicious claimed to have awoken from a drugged stupor to find Nancy Spungen dead on the bathroom floor of their room in the Hotel Chelsea in Manhattan, New York. She had suffered a single stab wound to her abdomen and appeared to have bled to death. The knife used had been bought by Vicious on 42nd Street and was identical to a “007” flip-knife given to punk rock vocalist Stiv Bators of the Dead Boys by Dee Dee Ramone.

According to Ramone’s wife at the time, Vera King Ramone, Vicious had bought the knife after seeing Stiv’s. Vicious was arrested and charged with her murder. He said they had fought that night but gave conflicting versions of what happened next, saying, “I stabbed her, but I never meant to kill her,” then saying that he did not remember and at one point during the argument Spungen had fallen onto the knife.

On 22 October, ten days after Spungen’s death, Vicious attempted suicide by slitting his wrist with a smashed light bulb. He was hospitalised at Bellevue Hospital, where he also tried to kill himself by jumping from a window shouting, “I want to be with my Nancy” or other similar words, but was pulled back by hospital staff. In a November 1978 interview he said that Spungen’s death was “meant to happen” and that “Nancy always said she’d die before she was 21.”

Near the end of the interview, he was asked if he was having fun. In reply, he asked the interviewer if he was kidding, adding that he would like to be “under the ground.” At Bellevue he was visited by his lawyer James Merberg, who did everything he could to keep Vicious out of jail.


Vicious was charged with assault after attacking Todd Smith, singer Patti Smith’s brother, at a Skafish concert at Hurrah, a New York dance club. Vicious was arrested on 9 December 1978 and sent to Rikers Island metro jail for 55 days to undergo a painful and enforced detoxification.

He was released on bail on 1 February 1979. His bail was originally set at $50,000, but lowered after court hearings and negotiations from his lawyer. Malcolm McLaren, the Sex Pistols’ manager, worked to raise money and the bond was eventually covered by Virgin Records. John Lydon has stated that Mick Jagger stepped in and paid for Vicious’ lawyer, and has praised Jagger for never seeking any publicity for this.

Joanna Grey
