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VIDEO: Truck Driver Does Amazing Trick to Avoid Fatal Accident!

This isn’t the first video of truckers doing incredible things that we’re staring at. There are actually quite a few truck drivers that have incredible skill and can drive through places in which you can’t imagine them ever fitting and they have great reflexes that stop them from getting into horrible accidents and killing others in the process.

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According to, the easiest way to prevent you and your family from injuries on the road is to avoid accidents altogether.  While some accidents may be unavoidable, there are many ways you can drive defensively to help steer clear of less careful drivers.


This is especially important around “semi” trucks and tractor trailers.  Due to the size of these trucks and the conditions the drivers work in, it is absolutely important that you use great caution when driving around these vehicles on the road.  An important factor in preventing these types of accidents is to understand the danger.

Tractor trailers are less maneuverable, start more slowly and take longer to stop than other vehicles.  They are particularly susceptible to adverse road conditions.  The average semi truck with trailer can range from 12,100 pounds to 80,000 pounds.  The federal government even allows more and more trucks to operate at an overload capacity of over 80,000 pounds!

That means a large commercial truck like an 18-wheeler weighs about 25 times the average automobile – up to 40 times more than some small cars.  If a tractor trailer strikes a semi truck in the rear, it does not stop or slow appreciably.

When you factor in the size of the truck with the speed and weight, you can see why the possibility of other vehicles becoming part of an accident is great.  In fact, tractor trailer accidents account for an eighth of all traffic fatalities.

Another important factor in tractor-trailer accidents is the truck driver.  In more than 80 percent of tractor trailer traffic accidents, the non-commercial driver is not at fault.  Furthermore, most of the deaths or injuries in such accidents happen to the non-commercial driver.  There are many reasons truck drivers become the cause of accidents.

One of the critical reasons is fatigue.  Semi truck drivers are nearly always at work behind the wheel and most of the drivers work long shifts.  Truck drivers are supposed to be limited to 12 hour shifts.  Truck drivers are required to keep records to log their hours of service.  But, the nature of the trucking industry is that more miles means more money, but it also means more hours.

There’s always an incentive for truckers to push the envelope.  Sometimes this means drivers carry two sets of books.  One set of books records the real amount of time they’ve been on the road – those are the books that they get paid by.


The other version records less time, shows everything being done by the rules – those are the books that a driver shows to the Department of Transportation.  While there exist penalties for falsifying records, they are not very severe or effective at first. Yet, it only takes a few cases of abuse to make the road more dangerous.

