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VIDEO: These Are All the Types of Girlfriends. Have You Dated Any of Them?

While we know that it’s hard to place people into a few categories and say that they all fit into some patterns, and that people usually have different amounts of more different characteristics, there are some things that seem to apply.

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When talking about girlfriends you will see that there are some patterns. If you used to have one of these girlfriends when you were in college then you weren’t the only one. While they might seem crazy, we still love them.


According to, whether she is a Snorlax Sally or a Perfect Polly your girlfriend will be on this list. Let’s just hope you still want to be with her after reading what she’s really like…

Psycho Sarah checks your texts, she’s always right and heaven forbid you forget to call her-you might as well have had sex with someone else. Not to mention, her mood swings are giving you prolific whip lash. Yep, this is the sort of crazy jealous crap some of you poor saps have to deal with.

Smothering Stephanie:You move, she moves. You may mistake this type of girl for your shadow as she is virtually always stuck to your side. You are forever being referred to as a couple and it is hard to remember the last time you had some quality alone time.

Cheating Charlie – At some stage in the relationship she will reach the point where she has had sex more times with random strangers than with her boyfriend.

Laid back Lauren – To many men this seems like the ideal girlfriend. She is so relaxed about everything that at times you forget she is even there. She often forgets about arrangements you have made and has a tendency make little or no effort at all to contact you.

Wifey Wendy – This type of girlfriend has been known to grant herself the title of ‘wifey’ just days after getting in a relationship. She lives for the life of a thirty-year-old and can’t wait to settle down, buy a house and have lots and lots of ‘cutey wewtey’ babies.

Mothering Molly – This one’s pretty self explanatory. She feels the need to take on the role of your ‘mother hen’ whilst you are at uni and she will check up on you several times a day to ensure you are doing your work and eating properly.


Snorlax Sally – Before she got into a relationship, she made an effort to ‘pretty herself up’  when she went on dates and at one point she was rather attractive. However, as soon as she makes things ‘official’, it’s bye bye beauty and bring on the beast.

Manly Maggie – The girlfriend that’s a boyfriend. This is a girl that usually pairs herself with a guy that is half her size, both width and length ways, so that she can be the one ‘in charge’ of the relationship.

Perfect Polly – And finally, Polly, the one girl that every man wants but can’t always get. You have known her for years and fell in love with her the second you saw her.

